It's watching and judging you

Hey automotive nerds!

So this time I was looking for parts for my new Honda Monkey, yes we are getting into mini motos and I'm so excited! Really 125cc is all I need to hurt myself (feel free to make fun of me).

Along the way (don't ask how), I saw an article from Hagerty on the The Garmin Catalyst and I read it, why not, research is a real business expense!

In short, the Catalyst is a small device for track driving that combines data analysis with real-time coaching, yes an actual coach in a box! After a few laps, it starts providing some pointers to guiding you and hopefully improve your time. 

It comes out of the box preloaded with hundreds of tracks from around the world and you can also add more. I basically uses GPS, GLONASS, and a camera to measure your laps, the ideal line and then tells you when you are too slow or you mess up.

The Garmin Catalyst is not totally unique on the market. For what I can understand, if you want data that's easy to understand and review, go with the catalyst. But if you really want to dive deep into reviewing the data at a later point in time, go with the AIM Solo. Also, I have read quite a few reports on the setup needed to use the AIM Solo at first. If you are technologically challenged go with Garmin, it's ready right out of the box.

Like all first generation tool, it has some down sides. The camera and speaker have some limits that I am sure Garmin will address in the next version.

What do you think? Do you want to be told what to do by AI? I guess it's better than my husband lol (Don't tell Billy).


Alright, that's all I got for today.

Talk soon!


- E